Jaccob Thomas
Chief Executive Officer
Joined MPCA in June 1996

Jaccob graduated with a B. Economics (Hons), University of Malaya and subsequently obtained his M.Sc. in Management Studies from Durham University, United Kingdom. He also holds a Corporate Finance Qualification granted by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales.

Jaccob was with the Bank Bumiputra Malaysia Berhad (“BBMB”) Group for a significant period where he gained wide ranging experience in both corporate finance and corporate banking. On February 1, 1995, Jaccob was designated as Head, Corporate Banking Division of BBMB.

At MPCA (since mid-1996), Jaccob has been primarily responsible for putting in place credits of up to RM25.0 billion and is currently overseeing various assignments including financial advisory for power plants in Indonesia and Malaysia.

Jaccob also holds a Capital Markets and Services Representative’s Licence issued by the Securities Commission Malaysia.

Jaccob oversees all assignments undertaken by MPCA including :-

  • Valuation of solar photovoltaic power plant for Ranhill Utilities Berhad
  • Valuation of 600MW coal-fired power plant in Madhya Pradesh, India
  • Syndicated Islamic Project Finance Facility for SPR Energy (M) Sdn Bhd
  • Project Finance Advisory for a high speed rail Link between KL Sentral and KLIA
  • Syndicated Project Finance Facilities for Ranhill Powertron II Sdn Bhd
  • Islamic Medium Term Notes Issuance Programme for Ranhill Powertron Sdn Bhd
  • Independent valuation of Wessex Water
  • Debt restructuring exercise for Express Rail Link Sdn Bhd
  • Financing for Recycle Energy Sdn Bhd , a Municipal Solid Waste-to-Energy concessionaire in Semenyih
  • Issuance of Mudharabah Redeemable Convertible Preference Shares "B" of Express Rail Link Sdn Bhd
  • Debt Restructuring of Johor Corporation
  • Financial Restructuring of Landmarks Berhad

While in BBMB, Jaccob was responsible for putting in place the following project finance/syndicated transactions :-

  • RM3.0 billion for Segari Energy Ventures Sdn Bhd
  • RM2.66 billion for YTL Power Generation Sdn Bhd
  • RM2.0 billion for Project Usahasama Transit Ringan Automatik (PUTRA)
  • RM1.3 billion Sistem Transit Aliran Ringan (STAR) Phase II
  • RM0.85 billion for Expressway Lingkaran Tengah
  • RM0.52 billion for Powertek Sdn Bhd